Sunday, 13 June 2010

Professor Poliakoff

Look up 'mad scientist' in your picture dictionary and there'll be a picture of this guy.

He's Professor Martyn Poliakoff and he reckons the Worlds Cup trophy isn't solid gold at all!! He isn't very interested in football but is so spiteful that when he isn't stealing Phil Spector's court wig he's spends his time researching the break-down of the trophy just to rub it in our faces that it isn't real. Up yours professor!

In his defense though he does say many awesome things such as:
"a big waste of gold" - as clearly gold is often used in a productive way;
"I think - and I have no means of knowing..." - you have to love a scientist who just makes stuff up;
"according to my calculations" - lets be honest, that's what every mad scientist should say at the start of every sentence.

So Professor Martyn Polikoff,  while I'm not happy that you're having a go at the Worlds Cup trophy and trying to ruin lil' Diego's dreams, I still take my hat off to you as you are clearly bonkers, will probably one day rule us all, and you have way too much time on your hands. Your giant, giant hands.

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