Friday, 26 November 2010

We Want Blood's Top Tips for a Tip Top Weekend #1

We here at We Want Blood have seen a lot of weekends so in order to help you enjoy your weekends that little bit more we've decided to compile a list of top tips for you to follow. Take heed of our wise words and one day you'll thank us.

Top Tip #1:
Enjoy a drink but don't get so drunk you want to pick a fight. The guy you're fighting might be drunker and fightier than you.

This week's top tip is sponsored by Movember.

Another top tip next week.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Dead air

I was talking to a friend last night about how its hard to upkeep a band blog when there's no band news to tell. So here's a video made by Tomoko Takahishi and Clone Quartet.
I think this is what they call 'art'.

Friday, 12 November 2010


I almost forgot, here's a link to our soundcloud page.


This means i'm shutting down our shitty myspace page.

November already?

It's been almost two months since I posted anything here and I should be shamed of myself. Hallowe'en has come and gone and I haven't acknowledged it at all. For shame.


Sorry 'bout that.

So we're playing a show this Saturday opening for Dirty Stevie at their album launch. We're playing a new song. Hopefully we'll record something fairly soon. Thats all our news.

I promise the next post won't be so long coming and it'll be more interesting than this one.

Oh, and here's my favourite Hallowe'en costume I saw this year (albeit saw online)

Later doods.